Old school Easter eggs.

Try this trick and please do comment..

Do this internet settings on your mobile.:

APN (access point name): airtelgprs.com
Proxy address: mini5.opera-mini.net Port: 80

In handler menu of the operamini 5.1 and 5.2, Select Use proxy: HTTP Proxy server: 0.facebook.com

This trick also works in high balance. No condition of keeping low balance below 0.30p

This trick is both for 2G as well as 3G customer all over India and it is for both downloading and surfing..!!


Operamini 5.2 handler.jar

Opera-mini 6.0 Handler.jar

Another trick for only browsing and no downloading facility. Try this also.-
APN- airtelgprs.com
Proxy/IP address- server4.operamini.com Port- 80
In the handler of Operamini 4.2 below, Select Use proxy- HTTP
Proxy server- 0.facebook.com Now start and do free browsing!! Works all over India and also at high balance! Come on. Try it...!

Opera-mini 4.2 handler with proxy server.jar